Best Work From Home Jobs in 2022 | Online Earning
jobs | How to earn Money Online | Online Earning Source in 2022 | Earn Upto 1
Lakh Per Month from Online Work from Home
If you want to work online and earn money so that you
can run your expenses by own. So, in this Blog Post I will help tell you Best
website through which you can earn online money. Why this Website is Genuine this
question may arise in your mind. But I tell you because I worked on this
website since 2020 and earned money online. So, if you also want to earn money
online then you can just follow the instruction given in Blog Post.
Firstly I reveal the name of website, the name of the
website is Chegg. In this Blog Post I will tell how you can earn money from
Chegg and show you my salary slip. First let’s talk about Chegg, Chegg is
basically a website where students Post their questions and as a freelancer your
work is to solve the questions and company will pay you decent amount of money for
your Answer.
Now, Let’s take a look on My salary slip of chegg
How to apply? How to
Join chegg ? How to Become a Chegg Expert ? How to Become a Online Tutor at
chegg ? how to earn money as a tutor at chegg ?
Steps to Follow:
1) First
you need to register on their website as expert.
2) Then
you need to fill some basic details and professional details.
3) Then
you need to clear one exam which is very simple it contains 10-15 questions and
if you score more than 60 percent then you will be qualified for next step.
4) Then
you need to clear one guidelines test which is again simple they provide you some
ppt and you need to read it carefully and give answer from that , in this you
need to score 80 percent or more, they give you 3 chances to clear this step.
5) Now
if you qualified guideline test then you need to fill details like Pan card,
6) After
that You need to fill bank details and exit.
Lastly they will review your application and
reply you back with in a 15 days depends upon the vacancy of chegg expert.
Bottom Line :
Guys , if you are looking for Best Online
Job then believe me Chegg company is One of the Best Online freelancing company
where you can earn money upto 1 Lakh per month . If you have any doubt
regarding chegg then you can also check out our channel where I explain steps by
steps explanation for Chegg Registration and also give tips how you can solve 30question per day so that your earning will boost.